Sunday, September 25, 2011

Finally Home

I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself. ~Maya Angelou

And now I finally do. Everything is unpacked and for the most part organized. I am still waiting to get a few things here and there, but surely this now feels like home. Everyday I feel more comfortable and happy to be here. There have been a few times that I see things that remind me of people or places back home that I miss, and at those times I take a minute to enjoy that moment and then move forward. It has been a while since I have posted... But there is a good explanation for that. I have sttarted my new job. I am just finally starting to feel like I know what I am doing. My schedule is a little more regular now and I know my way around the school and the area a little better now too.

My staff is great! They are all first time RAs. This has been a great blessing for me because we are all learning this together. They are really patient and energetic and creative. This makes working with them a blast and a breeze.

My residents are great as well. There have been a few minior set backs here and there, but overall they are great. I love my job. It doesn't even feel like work most of the time. My supervisors are great. I see great potential in all that I can learn from them.

The best part of my job is the Hall Director staff! They have made this transition so easy! They made me feel right at home from the moment I got here. They have become a great support system for me while I am so far from my usual one. They have introduced me to lots of new hobbies and encourage me in work. I know that there is so much to learn from them. I love that the atmosphere is welcoming and encouraging. I was a little worried about what the dynamics might be with so many people on staff, but it has surpassed any expectations I may have had.

I think I have been doing a good job trying to stay connected to everyone back home. Of that I am very proud. I cannot wait to come home for a bit and see my friends and family and Theodore (my pup). I miss him a lot. Well, just wanted to catch you all up on what I have been doing. I will post again next weekend and post some pictures of the fun things I have been doing with all the great people I have been doing them with! I am out for now!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New... Everything

Henry David Thoreau said "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Just prior to my move I received many gifts and cards with this quote on it. This was exactly what I needed to hear before making the bold move to the East Coast. I have always been an independent and confident woman. But as most people do, I began to question my abilities more and more as the move got closer. I asked myself: Can I really do this? Will I be able to handle being so far away from family and friends? What if I made the wrong choice? What if I am not what my new staff expects of me? 

Then I looked over this quote and it helped me realize that as long as I am confident in who I am and what I want out of life, I will succeed. I know that this move is going to be an amazing opportunity for growth and self discovery... I had not really experienced a big move like this in the past, alone. This is why it feels a little scarier than any other challenge I have experienced... 

I have yet to begin official work, but I have been lucky to begin connecting with my new staff members and friends. They have all been so welcoming, and that has definitely made my transition easier. 

Today is the first day that I feel a little homesick... It is Saturday night, and I have nothing to do... My apartment is still not quite home because most of my stuff is still in boxes... I guess I had never really experienced homesickness... I should have expected that I would feel this at some point, but I can honestly say this was not expected... I am not sure what I am supposed to do with it... I have been talking to many friends and family from home and that helps... I am sure this will pass... Its just that right now it is a little bit hard... I need to focus more on unpacking and settling in, so that my apartment looks more homey... I was looking through quotes, which we all know I love, and discovered this little gem:

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts" -Eleanor Roosevelt

It is so simple, but so powerful. Sometimes I notice that I start to get into routines, and forget that each day is special, and provides an opportunity to learn or experience something new... Oftentimes, days start to feel monotonous. We find ourselves doing the same things, and ignoring minor differences... Sometimes we need a big shake to make us realize it is important to look at each day as a new opportunity to LIVE life not just go through the motions... It is this move and my new surroundings that have inspired me to take the opportunity to explore something new everyday, and really learn more about as much as I can. 

Day 1: I explored my new apartment
My Favorite Room

My Bedroom


My first day here was rough... My flight was a red eye... This inevitably screwed up my sleep schedule. I felt like a zombie until the next morning. I managed to get a few items unpacked and went to a store to pick up some basic toiletries for my first night in my new home. Other than this I slept incredibly weird hours in order to try and recuperate and adjust to the time change.

Day 2: Explored UNH and Portsmouth, NH
 Portsmouth, NH Harbor 

On the second day I walked around campus. I explored my building, my office and various areas on campus. It is absolutely gorgeous. Exactly what I would imagine a New England college campus to look like. Bricks buildings everywhere surrounded by luscious greenery everywhere. I feel really blessed to be on such a beautiful campus.

Day 3: Explored the surrounding wilderness

On the third day I decided to explore the nearby river and reservoir on a run that lead me to hike. I Google mapped the area and discovered that there is a river that runs right along side campus... So I went on a run to discover this river... I got a little lost going to the wrong direction at first, which was fine because it gave me an opportunity to run a little more. Finally, I discovered the trail that runs alongside the river. It was beautiful. The day was gorgeous, there was a swift breeze and lots of shade provided by all of the trees. The views were spectacular... I of course got bitten by a mosquito... As usual I did not think of the fact that I was going to be in the wooded area with stagnant water everywhere... The ultimate mosquito breeding ground! I forgot my bug spray and definitely paid for it... I escaped with just one or two bites, but it was totally worth it... I also went to see Harry Potter with a bunch of Hall Directors... I was worried that I was going to be lost, but I wasn't as lost as I thought I would be... And for those who care what I thought of the movie: I enjoyed it, but did not read the books, so take it as you would like.

Day 4: Explored the surrounding town
On this day I went and explored Durham... Or what I could of it, on foot... It is a quaint little town with lots of character. I also went to dinner with a couple of the other hall directors. They are great! I am getting excited to meet everyone and start training in August. For dinner we had "Mexican food." I put it in quotes because it definitely was Mexican inspired food, but it paled in comparison to what I am used to being from Southern California. I am excited to try some East Coast specialties... which mostly consists of seafood... I will let you all know how the following week goes...

All of this new exploration gives me strength and confidence. I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone... Eating at restaurants alone, talking to strangers (which truthfully is not really out of my comfort zone). But I am definitely putting myself in situations I might not have under different circumstances... Lucky for me, everyone I have come into contact with here in New Hampshire has been nothing but friendly and welcoming. 

I would like to apologize if this entry feels scattered and disorganized... It is how I am feeling... So it is hard to express all of the thoughts and feelings in a cohesive manner...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's Always Harder Than You Thought It Would Be

"What we have enjoyed, we can never lose ... all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~Helen Keller

Today I took Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (my Shih Tzu) to his new home. He seems happy and will be loved immensely. I am so thankful to have wonderful friends in the Cerri family, to take him and love him as I do. I know they will give him a comfortable home with lots of love and care while I am gone. Knowing all of this does not make it easier to know that I will not come home to see his crazy eyes everyday. 
I am in temporary Trinity apartment without him nestled next to me, and I miss him already. I did not anticipate how difficult it was going to be to leave him. I guess that is how life goes. You prepare for the changes coming as well as you can. Inevitably, however, it seems like you can never prepare well enough. It always seems to be harder that you thought it would be...
I know this goodbye is especially difficult because it is the first real goodbye I have had to say. Saying goodbye to Teddy made me realize how much harder this leaving thing is going to be. Although, I am so excited to be in New Hampshire and meet so many new people, and yes, even experience my first real winter, I cannot say that I am excited to say goodbye to all the wonderful people I have met and the memories they have helped me build.

But as the quote above says, everything I love and cherish will stay with me forever. In some form each experience, person and pet in my life has helped shape the person I am today.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


“None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting a few months or a few years to change all the tenor of our lives.” Kathleen Norris

Everything in life is constantly changing, and that is what keeps things interesting. We cannot always prepare for the changes to come, but we must be aware that it will always come. It is also important to remember the unexpected changes are what often lead us toward the next steps in life.

I believe that if something is meant to be, it will be. I mention this because it looks like I will now be flying instead of driving to my new home on the East Coast. This is a bit disappointing for two reasons. I had great plans to visit wonderful people and see some amazing sights while on this journey, and this will no longer be possible. I also planned to bring some extra comfort items to remind me of the people who are so important to me here in California. Now it looks as though I will have to reduce my life to a few suitcases...

This stirs up an emotion that I cannot fully identify yet. It is a bit of nostalgia mixed with something indescribable for the moment. It feels as though I am leaving all of the people behind that have supported me thus far, and now have to leave the items that I'd hoped would remind me of those people and the love and support they provided for me. However, there is some excitement for the unexpected blessings that will come from this change in travel plans. I can't wait to see what characters I will meet in the skies as I make my way across the United States. I also anxiously await the opportunities that will arise with the extra week or two I will have in California.

Some of other changes I have been dealing with are those in relationships. These changes have been happening throughout my life, but I guess I had not necessarily noticed before. My graduation and going away party happened over the long weekend. This was a great opportunity to introduce the amazing people from all areas of my life to each other. It was through this gathering that I recognized how much these people mean to me and what I need to do to demonstrate that to them. I need change my behavior in many of these relationships. I realized I need to do a better job of appreciating the people who I have been blessed to know. I need to let them all know how much I care about them and how much they have each impacted my life. I also need to do better than my best to keep in touch with those people. I need to not only keep them posted on my life, but also ask them about theirs. It is too easy, sometimes, to let the people you care about most to feel neglected because you know they will love you no matter what. In order to attempt to curb this behavior I  would like to publicly promise that:

1. I will communicate with the important people in my life at least once a month.
2. I will set up a weekly phone date with my family to ensure that we are continuing to build our relationship.
3. I will make sure everyone who says they want to visit will be reminded of that and encouraged to follow through.
4. I will make it home to California at least twice a year while I am on the East Coast, and will do my best to see anyone who wants to meet up with me.

This will be a big challenge for me, but I hope that you will help keep me accountable for the promises I have made.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End of the Beginning

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”~Winston Churchill

So I have decided that I am going to be blogging about this next step in life. I am making a drastic change. I will be leaving the comforts of sunny Southern California for one of the original 13 colonies, New Hampshire. While I am very excited about the move, I am just now realizing how much I am going to miss this part of my life. all of the great moments, the wonderful people, and the comfort of knowing my favorite restaurants, bars, museums etc.

I have lived in Long Beach since I was 5 years old. At 18 I moved to Thousand Oaks to pursue my goals for higher education. I have now called this place home for the past six years. It has been in this last week that I have begun to realize that this may be the last time, for a while anyway, I do many of the things I am doing now. I am going to be saying goodbye to friends, to special places, to mentors and colleagues and to the place that has been home for so long.

Although, I have said goodbye to these things in the past, this time it will be different. I will no longer be a convenient drive from most of the people I care about. My support system will now be across the country and I will be challenged with many new things. I cannot wait to experience this next step in my life path. It isn't, however, without a bit of discomfort with the uncertainty of what is to come and mourning for this chapter that is now closing. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to experience what I have. Being here has really prepared me to persevere and grow. It is in this place that I have defined myself and my convictions. I will go forth with what I have learned here knowing things to come will teach me just as much.